Plane Table Surveying

Plane Table Surveying is a graphical method of survey in which the field observations and plotting are done simultaneously.
 Useful to fill in details between stations fixed by triangulation or theodolite traversing.
 Particularly adapted for small scale or medium scale mapping in which great accuracy in detail is not required

It is simple and cheaper than theodolite survey. It is most suitable for small scale maps.
The plan is drawn by the surveyor in the field, while the area to be surveyed is before his eyes. Therefore, there is no possibility of omitting the necessary measurements.

 Principle Of Plane Table Survey:

The principle of plane tabling is parallelism means,
 “All the rays drawn through various details should pass through the survey station.
The Position of plane table at each station must be identical, i.e. at each survey station the table must be oriented in the direction of magnetic north.