What Are The Advantages and Disadvantages of Total Station Surveying?|Civil Easy Learning

Advantages of Total Station Surveying

Advantages and Disadvantages of Total Station Surveying
Advantages and Disadvantages of Total Station Surveying

  • Relatively quick collection of information

  •  Multiple surveys can be performed at one set-up location.

  • Easy to perform distance and horizontal measurements with simultaneous calculation of project coordinates (Northings, Eastings, and Elevations).

  • Layout of construction site quickly and efficiently.

  • Digital design data from CAD programs can be uploaded to data collector.

  • Daily survey information can also be quickly downloaded into CAD which eliminates data manipulation time required using conventional survey techniques

  • It supports local languages.

  •  It shows the graphical view of land and plots.

  •  No recording and writing errors.

  • .It gives more accurate measurements than other conventional surveying instruments.

  •  Data can be saved and transferred to a PC.

  • Faster work, saves time, quick finishing off the job.

  • Computerization of old maps.

Disadvantages of Total Station Surveying

  •  Vertical elevation accuracy not as accurate as using conventional survey level and rod technique.

  • Horizontal coordinates are calculated on a rectangular grid system.
  • However, the real world should be based on a spheroid and rectangular coordinates must be transformed to geographic coordinates if projects are large scale.
  •      Examples : highways, large buildings, etc.

  • It might be troublesome for the surveyor to investigate and check the work when surveying.

  • Working with total station is not so easy, as more skilled surveyors are required to conduct a total station survey.

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