Advantages and Disadvantages of Plane Table Surveying|Civil Easy Learning

Advantages and Disadvantages of Plane Table Surveying


The plan is drawn by the surveyor himself while the area to be surveyed is before his eyes. Therefore, there is no possibility of omitting the necessary measurements.
The surveyor Can compare the plotted work with the actual features of the area.
It is simple and cheaper than the theodolite survey.
It is most suitable for small scale maps.
No great skill is required to produce a satisfactory map and work may be entrusted to a subordinate.
It is useful in magnetic areas where compass may not be used.
The mistakes in writing field books are eliminated.


Disadvantages (Limitations):
It is not intended for very accurate work.
It is not suitable in monsoon.
It is essentially a tropical instrument.
Due to heaviness, it is inconvenient to transport.
Since there are so many accessories, there is likelihood of them being lost.

Sources of Errors

Instrumental Errors
Personal Errors
Errors of plotting

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